Thursday, 26 February 2015

Task 3 H INVOICE template

To start of my invoice template for a Make-up job I had to think of a style that may go with my logo. So I just looked up general templates which helped me get a layout I would like for my job template.
I liked the clearness of the invoice and the aspects of hello and thank you in bold but thought the hello aspect was a bit informal and my logo theme is black and red so that would be my colour theme for mine.
After this I had to come up with an idea of what job would show most aspects of a job that would need an invoice sent. This came to the idea of Bridal make-up job which would have lots of payments for an occasion.
This made me look for bridal templates as a make-up artist, this made me find the template above with seemed too informal for such an invoice I would send. The aspects I took from this was the layout of the jobs done with payments due and what have paid for.

This is the invoice I made which I like the layout the way you find and understand what payments there is and the details of the customer so that payments of jobs due doesn't get mixed up or lost. There is also many details of which the payment can be made if the payment is not paid via card. The only aspect I would change is maybe put payment details instead of company address so  that the customer would understand and pay the invoice quicker.
There isn't no taxable deductions on this job because stated by H M Revenue you do not need to pay tax from 2014-2015 tax year if under £100,000. So this job alone would have no taxable outcome as it is only £575.

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